CI Cancer Society

The Cayman Islands Cancer Society is a non-profit charitable organisation established in 1995.It receives no assistance from the government and is entirely reliant on donations which it receives from individuals and corporations.

The CICS uses those donations to help the community in several ways:

Support Public Health Initiatives

In partnership with the Health Services Authority, CICS supports large scale public health initiatives. In particular, the CICS:

  • established a new, state-of-the-art Chemotherapy Unit where patients can comfortably receive chemotherapy treatment.
  • took the lead on bringing the HPV cervical cancer vaccine to Cayman for both public and private sector physicians to help reduce the rate of cervical cancer in the next generation.
  • purchased new mammogram equipment for HSA.

Financial Aid & Assistance

The CICS provides those cancer patients with the greatest need for financial help with aid and assistance by:

  • lending or renting equipment not available elsewhere on Island, such as hospital beds, wheelchairs, and walkers
  • providing free counselling and support groups to cancer patients and their families and friends
  • providing direct financial assistance to qualified cancer patients on a case by case basis. This can include payments for surgeries, treatments, airfare, accommodations or even food, utilities and rent. We have seen a dramatic increase in the number of patients who require financial assistance.

Prevention & Education

The CICS also provides education and prevention programmes:

  • to help raise awareness of cancer and educate the community on ways to prevent cancer through health fairs, continuing medical education (CME’s) presentations for allied medical professionals as well as public presentations to churches, schools, community groups, etc. (in English and Spanish)
  • to promote early detection for both female and male cancers.
  • The Cayman Islands Cancer Society is dedicated to increasing awareness of cancer issues in the community and features a number of awareness activities throughout the year with a focus on cancer prevention, screening, detection and treatment and other cancer related issues.

Age appropriate and interactive presentations are offered free of charge in a number of settings including townhall style community meetings, schools, clubs and workplaces.

Presentations typically include an overview of the type of cancer being discussed, risk factors, protective factors, screening, diagnosis and treatment.


The CICS provides the following vouchers to individuals who qualify:

  • Pap tests
  • Prostate exams
  • Mouth cancer screenings
  • Throat cancer screenings

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